Summary of CIHR and Government of Canada Committees Related to Peer Review

Committee Mandate Membership Reporting Timeframe

CIHR Peer Review Working Group

The Peer Review Working Group mandate is to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the agreed upon solutions to further strengthen peer review practices and processes for the Fall 2016 CIHR Project Grant competition.

13 Canadian members.

The Peer Review Working Group will consist of members of the research community who participated at the July 13, 2016 meeting and CIHR Senior Management. The working group is chaired by the College of Reviewers Executive Chair.

To CIHR management

Time-limited from July-September 2016

Reference Group on Appropriate Review Practices for Indigenous Health Research

The Reference Group will provide advice to CIHR on how to conduct culturally appropriate peer review of Indigenous Health Research.

The Reference Group is currently working with CIHR to implement an interim iterative peer review process for applications relevant to Indigenous Health for the Fall 2016 Project Grant competition.

6 Canadian members representing the Indigenous health research community

To CIHR management

Time-limited from spring 2016 – summer 2018

CIHR International Peer Review Expert Panel

The Panel will examine the design and adjudication processes of CIHR’s investigator-initiated programs in relation to the CIHR mandate, the changing health sciences landscape, international funding agency practices, and the available literature on peer review.

The Panel has been asked to respond to six specific system-level questions outlined in its Terms of Reference.

7 International members.

The Peer Review Expert Panel consists of international experts on the science of peer review, research funding, and health sciences.

To CIHR Governing Council and Executive Management Committee

Time-limited from September 2016 - March 2017

Chairs of the College of Reviewers

The role of the College Chair is to ensure that the peer review system supports the selection of the most innovative and cutting-edge proposals for research and knowledge translation, while continuing to be fair, well-managed and transparent.

17 Canadian members.

College Chairs reflect the breadth of the Canadian health research enterprise.

College Chairs are appointed by the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) and interact with CIHR through the CSO office and the College Branch.

Time-limited from July 2016 – December 2020

Institutes Advisory Board (IAB) on Research Excellence, Policy and Ethics

The IAB on Research Excellence, Policy and Ethics provides advice on promoting excellence, creativity and breadth in health research and knowledge translation through CIHR's entire portfolio of investments.

15 Canadian members

Members represent the highest standard of excellence across CIHR's four research areas (biomedical; clinical; health systems and services; and the social, cultural and environmental factors that affect the health of populations).

To the CIHR Scientific Directors and Institutes

Non time-limited

Government of Canada-led

Government of Canada Advisory Panel for the Review of Federal Support for Fundamental Science

The panel has been provided with the following overall questions to consider as part of its review:

  1. Are there any overall program gaps in Canada's fundamental research funding ecosystem that need to be addressed?
  2. Are there elements or programming features in other countries that could provide a useful example for the Government of Canada in addressing these gaps?

The central question regarding the effectiveness and impact of the granting councils in supporting excellence in fundamental research is whether their approach, governance and operations have kept pace with an ever-changing domestic and global research landscape.

The Panel has also been given 10 specific questions and a broad consultation mandate.

9 members (8 Canadian; 1 international) from research and innovation sectors.

To the Minister of Science

Time-limited from June-December 2016

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